A Place For Mom vs Caring.com: Which service is best for seniors?

In the digital age, finding the right senior community for loved ones has shifted from word-of-mouth recommendations and physical visits to online research and virtual tours. With several platforms available, making an informed choice is both a boon and a challenge. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between three players in the online senior community marketplace: A Place For Mom, Caring.com, and Dwellr. Each platform has its unique features, advantages, and drawbacks. By understanding these nuances, families can make a choice that best aligns with their needs and values.

FeatureDwellrCaring.comA Place For Mom
Referral feesNoYesYes
User information exchangeNoYesYes
Direct connection with community YesNoNo
Transparency of informationFullLimitedLimited
Unsolicited calls/texts/emailsNoYesYes

A Place For Mom Overview

A Place For Mom, one of the most recognized names in the senior living industry, boasts a vast database of senior living communities. Their model revolves around community recommendations, where users input their contact information and get access to a database full of communities in their market. Additionally, they offer the assistance of Senior Living Advisors, professionals trained to help families through the selection process over the phone. These advisors sometimes have backgrounds in gerontology or social work, bringing a wealth of experience to the table. However, it’s essential to understand how the platform’s revenue model has the potential to influence the advice and recommendations they provide. Is A Place For Mom free? The answer is yes, A Place for Mom is a free service for families. They provide assistance in finding senior living options without any cost to the seniors or families. The company receives payment from the senior living communities and care providers in their network, allowing families to access their resources at no charge.

Caring.com Overview

Caring.com stands out not just for its listings but also for its commitment to providing valuable resources. Beyond the listings of senior living communities and care services, the platform offers articles, checklists, and tools to help families navigate the often complex world of senior care. Their financial assistance information, for instance, is a treasure trove for families looking to understand the costs involved and how to manage them. But, as with any platform, it’s crucial to be aware of how their revenue streams might impact the user experience.

A Place For Mom Pros and Cons


  1. Big network: A Place For Mom has a large database of communities, ensuring a wide variety of options for users.
  2. Resource Library: Their website offers articles and resources on various topics related to senior living, providing added value to users.


  1. Potential Bias: Given their revenue model, there’s a potential for bias in the communities they recommend, especially if certain communities offer higher referral fees. For instance, communities that work with Medicaid aren’t on this platform, as commission payouts aren’t feasible for these communities.
  2. Privacy Concerns: Users often find themselves inundated with unsolicited calls, texts, and emails from various communities after sharing their contact information.
  3. Lack of Direct Connections: Users don’t have the option to connect directly with communities, which can lead to miscommunications or delays.
  4. Outdated Listings: Because the listings are managed by A Place For Mom, they are often out of date, displaying the wrong names, prices, amenities, and photos.

Caring.com Pros and Cons


  1. Comprehensive Resources: Their extensive library of articles and tools can be invaluable for families new to the world of senior care.
  2. Community Feedback: The platform’s emphasis on user reviews provides a level of transparency, allowing potential clients to gauge the quality of services.


  1. Referral Fees: Like A Place For Mom, Caring.com’s reliance on referral fees can raise questions about the impartiality of their recommendations.
  2. Intrusive Communications: Sharing contact details often leads to a barrage of unsolicited communications, which can be overwhelming for users.
  3. Potential for Misleading Reviews: While user reviews can be beneficial, there are concerns raised online about the legitimacy of reviews after bad reviews are taken off of community listings.
  4. Navigational Challenges: The platform’s vast amount of information can sometimes be difficult to navigate, especially for older users.
  5. Lack of Direct 1-on-1 Connections: Users might prefer a more direct connection with communities, which Caring.com doesn’t always facilitate.

Dwellr Overview

Dwellr is more than just a platform; it’s a mission-driven initiative aimed at revolutionizing the senior living search experience. Recognizing the pain points users face with existing platforms, Dwellr was designed with the user’s best interest at heart. The platform’s commitment to transparency is evident in its decision to forego referral fees, a significant departure from industry norms. This ensures that the platform’s recommendations are genuinely unbiased. Moreover, Dwellr’s emphasis on user privacy means families can research with peace of mind, knowing their contact information won’t be shared indiscriminately.

Dwellr Pros and Cons


  1. Direct Messaging: Users can create their free Dwellr accounts and start messaging communities immediately. No phone calls, texts, or emails are necessary for families to get all of their questions answered before booking a tour with their favorite communities.
  2. User-Centric Design: Dwellr’s interface is designed for ease of use, ensuring even those not tech-savvy can navigate it with ease.
  3. Community Verification: Dwellr takes steps to verify the communities listed, ensuring users get accurate and up-to-date information.
  4. Community Operated: Because communities can claim their own listings, the information is updated with current pricing, amenities, and photos.


  1. Growing Database: While Dwellr is rapidly expanding its database, some regions might have limited listings compared to older platforms.


  • User Empowerment: While all platforms provide information, Dwellr stands out in its commitment to empowering users. By not taking referral fees and by ensuring direct connections, Dwellr gives users the power to make informed decisions without external influences.
  • Resource Availability: Both A Place For Mom and Caring.com offer extensive resources, but Dwellr’s focus on direct connections and transparency provides a unique value proposition.


Choosing the right senior community is more than just about listings; it’s about trust, transparency, and empowerment. While A Place For Mom and Caring.com have served many families over the years, their business models and user experiences have certain drawbacks. Dwellr, with its fresh approach and commitment to user-centric values, is poised to redefine the online senior community marketplace, offering families a transparent, empowering, and hassle-free experience.

<p class="authorCardHeading">About the Author</p><h4><a href="https://heydwellr.com/author/dwellradmin987/" target="_self">Drew Tuzson</a></h4>

About the Author

Drew Tuzson

Drew has been working in creative for over twenty years. Having owned multiple agencies, he has led teams, worked across a vast number of verticals, and sat with owners and entrepreneurs alike to identify how design and technology can help them achieve their goals.

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