Assisted Living Statistics: An In-Depth Look


As the population ages, the need for comprehensive care options for seniors becomes more critical. One such option is assisted living, which offers a combination of housing, personal care services, and health care designed to respond to individuals who require assistance with normal daily activities in a way that promotes maximum independence.


What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living facilities provide housing to aging residents with varying levels of independence. For some, this can mean taking care of their own hygiene needs while nurses manage their medications. Other residents may need assistance with everyday tasks and more intensive medical treatment.


Current State of Assisted Living


Overview of Assisted Living Facilities

Nearly 30,000 assisted living facilities operate in the United States, accommodating an average of 27 to 33 residents each. More than 810,000 people reside in these facilities, with about 2% of seniors in the U.S. choosing assisted living as their care option.


Common Conditions of Assisted Living Residents

The typical resident in an assisted living facility has conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, and often Alzheimer’s or dementia. About 71% of residents have memory impairments, with 42% having moderate to severe memory loss.


Features of Assisted Living Facilities

Facilities often provide services like pharmacy access, nutritional guidance, physical and occupational therapy, nursing care, and hospice care. These services are tailored to meet the individual needs of each resident, ensuring they receive the care they require while promoting independence and quality of life.


Average Length of Stay and Resident Demographics

The average stay in an assisted living facility is 22 months, and the majority of residents are women (71%). This is often because many women outlive their spouses, leaving them without in-home support and in greater need of the care assisted living facilities provide. The average age of residents is 84, with 52% of residents over 85 and 30% between 75 and 84.


Cost of Assisted Living

Assisted living costs an average of $4,300 per month, making it a more affordable choice for seniors who need more than just care during the day compared to the median cost of nursing homes which nears $9,000 per month for a private room. However, it’s still a major expense that many seniors and their families need to budget for.


Future of Assisted Living


Projected Growth

The assisted living industry is expected to grow significantly in the next 10 to 20 years. The number of people over 65 will grow by 42%, and the number of people over 85 will grow by 111%. With this growth, it’s projected that about 986,000 new assisted living units will be necessary.


Impact of Aging Population

The driving force behind this growth is the aging baby boomer population, which currently ranges from 57 to 75 years old and represents 21.19% of the population. This demographic shift will likely create an increased demand for assisted living care, with an estimated need for almost 881,000 new facilities by 2030 and 986,000 by 2040.


Projected Costs

As the industry grows, so are its costs. By 2030, the national median cost of monthly care is estimated to be $5,779, and it may reach $7,776 by 2040.


To Summarize

With the growing aging population and the rising demand for senior care options, assisted living is poised to play an increasingly important role in the coming years. It offers a balance of independence and care that meets the needs of many seniors and their families. However, as the industry grows, so do its costs, making it a significant consideration for seniors and their families planning for the future.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the average cost of assisted living? The average cost of assisted living is currently around $4,300 per month.
  2. What is the average age of residents in assisted living facilities? The average age of residents in assisted living facilities is 84.
  3. What are common conditions of residents in assisted living? Common conditions include high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s or dementia.
  4. How many assisted living facilities are there in the U.S? There are nearly 30,000 assisted living facilities in the United States.
  5. What is the projected growth of the assisted living industry? The number of people over 65 is projected to grow by 42%, and the number of people over 85 will grow by 111%. Approximately 986,000 new assisted living units will be necessary.
<p class="authorCardHeading">About the Author</p><h4><a href="" target="_self">Davey Owens</a></h4>

About the Author

Davey Owens

As CEO and co-founder, Davey leads Dwellr with a focus on simplifying the search for the perfect community. With a background in both tech giants and mid-sized startups—including Google, Amazon, Flywheel, and CompanyCam—he brings a wealth of experience to his role. Living in Seattle and a father to two daughters, Davey is passionate about making community connections easier for families.

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